1.) St. Martins, and all the people I have met there. My heart has truly been changed by the Lord this past year, and St. Martins was a big part of that change!

2.) Marrying my sweet God loving, sometimes crazy husband. I can not wait to see what the future holds for us!

3.) Friends and Family, old and new!

4.) Secure Jobs... Jason and I have been blessed this year to not have to worry about lay offs, and after seeing multiple friends lose their jobs this past year, this is something I am truly thankful we have not had to worry about!

5.) Jordi and Skeet. These two puppy dogs are crazy, but seeing their smiley (or as smiley as a dog can be) faces when you come home (or just back upstairs from the mailbox) brings comfort and laughter even on the roughest days.
I hope each and every one of you has a blessed new year!
Thanks for reminding me to be thankful!