Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Wednesday Confessional and One Month!

I absolutely cannot believe Jason and I have been married for an entire month... I have a few posts from this summer to catch up, and then hopefully I will start posting fairly regularly... For today, I want to start doing a "Wednesday Confessional" post (I have been reading this blog and she cracks me up EVERY week...) Sooo without further ado...

  • Jason stayed in Louisiana this weekend, and I most definitely never took my pajamas off on Sunday, and watched ABC Family movies all day... I felt like I was 15 years old again, and it was AMAZING!
  • There are elephants who move quieter than the man who lives above me... I am seriously considering leaving a pair of house shoes on his doorstep...
  • Jason and I started the Dave Ramsey Total Money Makeover this month, and I am slightly obsessed with listening to all the radio show playback... nothing to boost your confidence more than hearing about people who have 5 times as much debt as you, and make 1/5 the income and are now debt free, including their house! 
  • As much as I KNOW that Jason and I need to wait a couple years before trying for kids, every time I see someone I graduated with's baby announcement, I feel a huge tug to throw it all to the wind and go for it now... 
Well thats it for this week! Anyone else have any random confessions this week?? 

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